Ascot Community House
Whare tapere
ASCOT (Activity and Social Centre of Tainui) is a friendly social centre developed for older people seeking social support and companionship. It aims to empower older adults to take responsibility for their mental and physical health and to remain active and independent in their own homes for as long as possible.
It is available to any older adult over 65 living in their own home or with whanau.
Daily programmes are organised by professional co-ordinators with input from members and we cater for people with a variety of needs.
Activities include:
Guest speakers
Entertainment and performances
Outings and events
Cultural events
Services: Monday – Friday, 9.30am - 3.30pm, Nursery Place, Westown, New Plymouth.
Transport is available to pick you up and return you to your own home. Cultural support is available, and a hot midday meal, and dessert is provided.
Anyone may attend ASCOT as long as they are eligible* Government funding may be available.
We welcome new volunteers to assist.
*Either funded via the DHB Community Support Service or privately paying. A referral is required if financial assistance is needed – and the Te Maru ASCOT coordinator can discuss with you.
For further information you can talk (Korero) to: Eugenia, Michele, Annie on 06 753 7699 or 06 753 6597